Gramener’s Co-founder and Head of Analytics, Ganes Kesari, joined the Intel on AI podcast to discuss how Gramener has created a crowd counting solution to overcome the challenge of counting penguins in Antarctica.
Counting and identifying characteristics of crowds can provide organizations with a lot of valuable insights.
Yet challenges like image distortion, density, and different camera angles can make analyzing images accurately very challenging.
Ganes, at the Intel on AI podcast, discusses how Gramener’s solution has produced a very rapid and accurate analysis of images. He talks about how Gramener has utilized this solution for several AI for Good projects including a joint effort with Microsoft AI for Earth to count Antarctic penguin colonies.

You can also listen to the podcast on the official Intel AI Builders website.
Visit our AI Labs and AI for Good page to know more about our solutions to solve complex business problems and tackle biodiversity issues, respectively.
Check out our Penguin Counting solution
Try the Penguin counting API demo live and Interact with the sample data.
Want to know about the penguin counting solution in detail? Check out the news published by Microsoft explaining the partnership and solution.
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