Our Hyderabad office is at Madhapur, on the road opposite Raheja Mindspace. Our Bangalore office is on CMH Road, Indira Nagar, adjacent to Matteo.
We’ll start at 12:00noon, and plan to wind up around 6pm.
Please drop an email to s.anand@gramener.com letting us know which office you will be coming to, so we know how many pizzas to order. (The menu may change.)
What’s a design hackathon?
In this particular case, it’s a get-together of design, data and football enthusiasts. The aim is to design dashboards that visualise the FIFA world cup.
This could be a view of all past world cups; or a mock-up of a dashboard that shows live scores; or a scraper to pull the locations of every goal scored so far; or a video that morphs faces of footballers into one-another. Absolutely anything you want.
Our output could be in paper and pen; or a drawing in Illustrator / Inkscape / Paint; or a live dashboard web application; or a video, or even audio commentary. Any format is fine.
When you’re done, please blog about it. Or we’ll share your work with the public on our blog if you prefer.
Why are we doing this?
We’re a data visualisation company, and some of us are into football. This is our way of mixing work and fun.
Many of our media clients are also interested in the FIFA World Cup. We’re hoping they might like some of your work too, and that you could work with them.
What do I need to bring?
Your laptop. Paper and pen, maybe.
Where do I register?
Mail s.anand@gramener.com and let me know which city you’ll be joining in at.
Remember, it’s this Saturday (26 April) at 12:00noon.